Rewind 2 years and 5 months. I received my first carrier that I fell head over heals in love with! It was a black ergo baby carrier. I played with it for a while, and waited with anticipation for the arrival of baby number 3 so I could try out my new toy. I had decided not long before hand that I would need something to carry bub in, that wasn't going to be uncomfortable for long periods as we walked everywhere. Ergo was recommended and my first purchase was made.
A week later my 3rd little blue bundle of joy was born, I named him Ashton, and I could not wait to get out and show him off in my new Ergo carrier! We turned heads and everyone would cluck over how cute and comfortable he looked! I of course, beamed with pride, and I did it all pain free even after wearing him for 8 plus hours a day!

Our love just grew as did my little man. Soon enough he was a toddler and when I pulled out our Ergo carrier, he would toddler over and raise his arms saying "up". It was adorable! We went bush walking, spent days in the city, went to the beach (a lot) and I did the housework with him on my back either sleeping or jabbering away.

When he was 1 I found out I was expecting number 4! I was very excited as it meant I could use my carrier again, and I would possibly buy another so I could tandem wear my babies! Ash was (and still is) a mummas boy so having him on my back not only made my life stress free but it made him happy and relaxed. When I was about 6 months pregnant, wearing him became very painful as I had a medical condition called SPD (Symphisis Pubic Dysfunction) and I could no longer wear him so I packed away my Ergo for when my new bundle arrived.

During the next 3 months my Ergo baby went travelling to friends in different states of Australia! I figured since I wasn't using it, someone else could fall in love with it like I had! Each time it went out for a few weeks and returned with raving reviews.

Then Elijah arrived and finally I could use it again! This was an absolute life saver, as he had severe reflux and would scream for hours.

I could not put him down. At least if he was close while I went on with my daily ritual, I wasn't so stressed out if he was crying. It also helped a lot when we went out and my almost 2 year old would want a nap.

About a month later, it went back out to another mumma for an extended visit, her little baby was like mine but much much worse! When it arrived home I had someone else beg me to lend it for a couple of weeks until she could afford her own. This time my poor Ergo carrier did not return home. I try not to dwell on this, I try and see the good side, there is not another baby in an Ergo instead of a 'crotch dangler'.
This however made Eli sad...

I am sure we would ALL love to see him smiling again, whilst being carried around on mummas back, and seeing the sights just like his brother did. The beach and bush are calling us!

Besides it's much more comfortable sleeping in the Ergo compared to some of the other places he sleeps...

Eli will thank you!

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