Ahhh I have a feeling already that this blog is going to be all scattered like my mind lol It's been a while since I really updated, and I thought new year deserved a new blog :) So here it is!
We had an interesting day today. Long... and interesting. We went out for a picnic lunch today with the boys. Bumped into their aunty. She's a strange one. She is Matts sister. She's moved here which is strange. Anyways, was just a very interesting moment LOL
Eli has his 4 month needles today... on his 8 month birthday. It seems the end has finally come to his illnesses and he could finally be immunised. It was horrible. He screamed blue murder and the 10 minutes (really 2 seconds, just felt like 10 minutes) from when the screaming started and I could pick him up was traumatic. I hate needles. I hate seeing my baby crying and knowing that I KNEW it was coming and he was just too busy being innocent and smiling at everyone to have any idea what was about to happen. A quick cuddle and breast feed and he was 100% fine. Not even a temp this time around.
On to other news! My bestie had her 2nd baby, little Franky, tiny 6lb 15oz, 49cm, and a picture of perfection. I was lucky enough to get lots and LOTS of cuddles, and I get some more tomorrow!
Chase starts prep this year! It's going to be strange having just 2 at home! Quiet. More full on I think without Chase to play with Ashton! Eli will start crawling soon.
I have really enjoyed these holidays. We've done lots of fun things :) Tomorrow we're off to the city to see the monkey and meet some other mumma friends. Really looking forward to it. We've had a lot of time outdoors, lots of scooter rides and trips to the park.

Only one more exciting thing to share and that is me moving, date set! 1st April. Can't wait!
It's been a couple of months since I wrote a proper blog. I feel rusty! I had a million photos to share so excuse the overload! The last couple of months have been just wonderful!
Warm days

Teeth perhaps? (nope, still no teeth!)
I decided yesterday that I needed to clean the carpets and the couch. Ash is newly potty trained and I was sick of the lingering wee smell from one too many accidents on the carpet. Yuck! Well it smells nice now! The couches are 5 years old. They are cream coloured. They've never been cleaned before... with 4 small boys... well I'll show you.Ew!
Eli has his 4 month needles today... on his 8 month birthday. It seems the end has finally come to his illnesses and he could finally be immunised. It was horrible. He screamed blue murder and the 10 minutes (really 2 seconds, just felt like 10 minutes) from when the screaming started and I could pick him up was traumatic. I hate needles. I hate seeing my baby crying and knowing that I KNEW it was coming and he was just too busy being innocent and smiling at everyone to have any idea what was about to happen. A quick cuddle and breast feed and he was 100% fine. Not even a temp this time around.
Pretty boy in blue
On to other news! My bestie had her 2nd baby, little Franky, tiny 6lb 15oz, 49cm, and a picture of perfection. I was lucky enough to get lots and LOTS of cuddles, and I get some more tomorrow!
So little!
Chase starts prep this year! It's going to be strange having just 2 at home! Quiet. More full on I think without Chase to play with Ashton! Eli will start crawling soon.
Smelling some flowers
Eli had his first trip to the beach these holidays and he is absolutely a water baby! He loved it, he splashed and played and laughed, ate some sand, slept. Not a sook out of him ALL day! Definitely helped that the weather was a bit perfect!
Beautiful boy!
We've been to Low Head beach, Gravelly beach, beauty point park, beacy park, next week we're off to the Gorge for the day.
Chase at the beach
Ash at Low Head beach
Eli enjoying some flake from our favourite Fish and Chip shop in Beauty Point
I've taken them to both the local pool and the big pool in town. That was so fun with the 4 on my own LOL

I absolutely love this photo. Ash was terrified of the bucket that dumps water! His face is priceless!
My water baby
We've been to a snake show, had lots of fun in our water park yard and playing in our pool.
Eli watching the snake show
Eli has gone from a baby who just lays there to sitting up, pulling himself around with his arms, saying "mumma", drinking from a straw, standing up and really enjoying playing with his toys! Ash has toilet trained day and night, started talking more like a little person and less like a baby. The big boys have just been amazing, hardly any fighting these holidays! Jaidan has come out of his shell and he is so sweet with Elijah. I am not looking forward to school going back in 2 weeks :(
Australia Day was great this year! We spent the day close to home, had a splash in the pool and an indoor barbecue. I think the kids had a blast! Eli loved his first try of lamb cutlets and smoked salmon!
Australia Day fun!
Some water fun in the yard
Eli the water babe
For the boy who hated baths and only liked to shower, I've found the trick! The sink LOL He loves to bath in the sink! Works for me as there is no bending haha only down side is I end up covered in water...
Only one more exciting thing to share and that is me moving, date set! 1st April. Can't wait!
"We came into the world, like brother and brother. And now let's go hand in hand, not one before another" - William Shakespeare
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