Yesterday was my birthday. I was woken to "happy birthday mummy! IT is YOUR birthday today mummy!!". I was greeted with a lot of facebook wall messages wishing me a wonderful day which brought a smile to my face. Then off we went to Kinda Gym which was great fun as always and home again. Chase made me a gorgeous puzzle at school, he drew me "holding some balloons for your birthday". How cute is that? When I asked Jaidan what he'd made me at school for my birthday, he replied with "nothing but if you give me some money I will buy you something at the shop?". How thoughtful LOL
I really did have a wonderful day. I got lots of hugs and kisses, and I got to spend it with my boys which is really all that matters! I also got some lovely presents from my sisters, brother and mum, and a surprise from a lovely friend in Melbourne. Thanks Sarah!!
A friend of mine, Nat, shared a link with me today. I will share it with you. This girl is 10. Her voice and songs are just amazing. I absolutely love this song and also one called 'Unexpected'
My lovely friend, Tammy, knitted this beautiful set for Eli when he was a very new bubba. It was so massive on him. Today I pulled it out of the cupboard to try again. It fits! And I think he looks adorable in it!

I also have to give a shout out to a wonderful company called Machiko Baby. I bought some things for the boys and they look adorable on! I am sure you will agree!!
Eli is 9 months old today. All I have to say is that time really does fly!! He's really getting around now doing the cutest army crawl, he looks like a little caterpillar. He's so beautiful and so much fun! He's got a wicked sense of humour, loves playing peek a boo. He can say a few words now, and does the cutest things with his brothers. He roars like a lion with Jaidan, and says "uhhh uhhh" when he's touching something naughty LOL His little face lights up at school pick up when he sees Chase, and Ashton dotes on him which is just adorable. He can clap and wave, and has started pulling up to a half stand. He really enjoys his food and the BLS is going wonderfully! He can eat basically anything! His 2 favourite foods so far are sushi and Teriyaki beef. This child has awesome taste!

The longest noodle in history

What happens when you're 2, and decide not to nap...
I better get some rest myself, playgroup starts again tomorrow at the primary school so we're off to that. The Ashy has a playdate with his gorgeous little mate Kobi. I have a feeling these 2 2 year olds will grow up close :) They are in a lot of the same groups and we've started having play dates.
Really need to get my house in order over the weekend. I feel like I'm living in a cluttered house that only gets tidied properly on inspection day. Time to break out the boxes and garbage bags and put away some of this stuff. Since I'll be here for the next 12 months, my thinking needs to change. Go from "I'll have somewhere to put these in a few weeks" to "better buy some more shelves and pack away some of the stuff I don't need" ... the joys! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
Oh and feel free to go and vote for Elijah, in the Bonds Baby Competition :)
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